The Business Master (4th Edition)
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(C) Copyright 1989, GSF Software & Solutions. All Rights Reserved. Page 1
---------------------------------- _______
| ------------------------------ | ____|__ | (tm)
| | The Address Book Solution | | --| | |-------------------
| | Version 2.1 | | | ____|__ | Association of
| | Memory Resident Mailing List | | | | |_| Shareware
| | Software | | |__| o | Professionals
| ------------------------------ | -----| | |---------------------
---------------------------------- |___|___| MEMBER
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
'The Address Book Solution' is a memory resident (TSR) address list management
program for use with PC/MS-DOS. A few of its many features:
- dBASE file compatible - Quick Search (instantly locate info)
- Import/Export - Prints labels, index cards, etc.
- Mail Merge - Prints 'Pocket-Size' address book
- Select what info to output - Filter records when viewing, printing,
- Group by up to 30 categories or transferring information
- Unlimited number of records - Data may be stored on HD or Diskettes
- Sort on up to 9 fields - Copy address info to foreground app.
- Approximate Search - Output to printer or a DOS file
An 'Advanced' version of TABS is also available. The file TABSADVD.TXT
contains a partial listing of the features included in the Advanced version.
------>>>>>> | New Features in Version 2.1: | <<<<<<------
Many of the features of TABS Advanced have been included in this Shareware
version of TABS 2.1, including:
1. Programmable keys for use within TABS as well as other applications,
to enter common Cities, Area Codes, Notes, Job Titles, etc.
2. When adding records, the previous record's information is displayed
next to the current record being added.
3. The field names (First Name, Address L1, City, Note 1, etc.) may be
redefined to represent what you wish. For example, instead of Note 1,
you may change it to Salutation (Dear Mr. Smith), Note 2 could be
changed to Job Title (President, Manager), Phone 2 could be changed to
FAX #, etc.
4. While editing information, the current record displayed may be added
(duplicated) to allow editing of a new, similar entry.
5. When filtering records, the filter status is displayed on the screen.
6. Information may also be located by Record Number.
7. The data file path is displayed on the Add & Edit screens, to insure
the desired file is currently being used.
8. Defaults for monitor type, data file last used, paste delay, and other
information is now stored.
9. The main entry screen is redesigned for easier readability, with most
information listed down one column, rather than across the screen.
10. The last file used will be the default the next time TABS is loaded.
(C) Copyright 1989, GSF Software & Solutions. All Rights Reserved. Page 2
"This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle
works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with
an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The
ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member,
but does not provide technical support for members' products. Please write to
the ASP Ombudsman at P.O. Box 5786, Bellevue, WA 98006 or send a Compuserve
message via easyplex to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536"
'The Address Book Solution' (TABS) is distributed as Shareware. This program
may be freely copied (it it's entirety - ALL FILES ONLY, not individual files)
and shared to allow others to try TABS. The suggested evaluation period is 30
days. If you use TABS, it is expected that you will register your copy.
Registration pays for continued development of this and other software
products, and supports Shareware. You MAY NOT sell 'The Address Book Solution'
or give copies away with any commercial venture, service, publication or
product without written permission from GSF Software & Solutions.
Registering 'The Address Book Solution' (TABS) by GSF Software & Solutions
The suggested registration fee for 'The Address Book Solution' program is
US $ 20.00, and covers use on one computer. Please refer to the License
Agreement for volume purchases and site licenses.
New York State residents should include appropriate sales tax. Mail the
Greg S. Fisher
GSF Software & Solutions
3380 Sheridan Drive, Suite 391
Amherst, NY 14226
Type the following at the DOS prompt (after installation) to print the
desired information. Please be sure the printer is turned on and on-line
before continuing.
Type: To Print:
TABSREGS The Registration/Order form.
TABSDOC The User's Manual (approximately 40 pages). This will
supersede information in the pre-printed manual.
TABSADVD A list of some of the features included in the
'Advanced' version of TABS (available Summer 1991).
PRNTRDME This read me file.
TABSLIST A list of all included files for use with TABS.
TABSTIPS A list of tips for using 'The Address Book Solution'.
(C) Copyright 1989, GSF Software & Solutions. All Rights Reserved. Page 3
- The TABS_GSF.EXE self-extracting file for use on Bulletin Boards does not
require an installation routine.
- The installed files consume approximately 460000 bytes of disk space.
Therefore, a 5.25"-360K floppy may not be used as a destination disk for a
complete installation. Any larger capacity floppy diskette may be used,
although a hard disk drive is preferred. If you must run TABS from two
360K floppy diskettes, refer to the additional instructions after the
installation steps below. The required files consume approximately 330000
bytes (plus the size of your data files).
- The Address Book Solution has NOT been tested on a network. Do NOT operate
TABS on a LAN, unless the PC is in a stand-alone mode.
GSF Software & Solutions will NOT be responsible for any damages caused by
operating TABS on a LAN.
To install The Address Book Solution:
1. Boot the system (if not already on).
2. Insert the installation diskette into the desired drive.
3. At the DOS prompt, type
substituting 'A' with the drive containing the installation diskette.
4. Press ENTER (or RETURN on some keyboards).
5. Enter the destination drive where TABS should be installed. This may
be any logical drive (A, B, C, D, E, F, etc.).
6. Enter the desired path/directory the files should be installed into.
If you are unsure of what to type here, press the ENTER key to accept
the default directory of \TABS.
7. Press the ENTER key.
8. Select YES next to 'Change Config.sys File'.
If installing to 360K diskettes, refer to '360K Diskette Installation'
9. Select YES next to 'Install Entire System'.
10. After program installation, you may be prompted for the boot drive
(the drive the PC uses when starting up - usually C for a hard disk
drive). Respond by typing the letter representing the appropriate
drive. Then respond YES when prompted to reboot the system.
360K Diskette Installation
If you must use 5.25"-360K diskette drives for installation, do the
following instead of step 9 above (requires 3 diskettes):
A. Change 'Install Files onto Drive' to appropriate diskette
drive, and change 'Path' to \.
B. Insert a diskette (diskette 1) into the appropriate drive,
and complete the installation using the settings on the
chart (next page) for diskette 1.
C. Repeat A & B above, using diskette 2 & diskette 2 settings.
D. Repeat A & B above, using diskette 3 & diskette 3 settings.
(continued on next page)
(C) Copyright 1989, GSF Software & Solutions. All Rights Reserved. Page 4
360K Diskette Installation (continued)
| Diskette-> 1 | 2 | 3 |
| Install Entire System: NO | NO | NO |
| Install Main Program: YES | NO | NO |
| Install Data Files: NO | YES | NO |
| Install Text Files: NO | NO | YES |
| Install Selected Files: NO | NO | NO |
The Main Program will be located on the first diskette, with the data
files on the second diskette. These 2 disks (1 & 2) are required to
run TABS. The third diskette will contain the following text files:
TABSREGS.txt The Registration/Order form
TABSDOC.txt The User's Manual
TABSADVD.txt TABS 'Advanced' Feature list
TABSLIST.txt A list of included files for use with TABS
TABSTIPS.txt A list of tips for using TABS
READ.ME This read.me file
Additional Documentation to the manual:
Programmable Keys
1. Select <H>otkeys from the Main Menu.
2. Fill in the information you wish to copy or paste, next to the
associated Function Key.
Field Names & Program Defaults
1. Select <F>ield Names/Defaults from the Main Menu.
2. Fill in the text you wish to appear next to each field.
3. Enter any other program defaults.
Note: To restore the original Field Names/Defaults shipped with TABS,
use DOS to copy the TABSDFLT.DBF file to the program directory
TABS is run from.
Duplicating a record from within Edit
Select (X)Duplicate from the Edit Menu while editing the record you
wish to duplicate. You will then be viewing the newly duplicated
record. Edit as desired.
Locating a record by record number
From within edit, select <G>oto, then enter the desired record number.
------------>>>>>>>>>>> END OF READ.ME FILE <<<<<<<<<<<-------------